Family,  Marriage

First Trimester Update

Fatigue. That’s all I have to really say about this first trimester.


Well, more like fatigue and nausea. Before I knew I was pregnant and for a few weeks after, I was positive I had mono or something else. I was so tired. I am a busy-body, and overachiever- not a slacker or a couch potato! These last few months, I felt like I was hibernating I slept so much!

There were a few weeks where all Jett and I ate was soup and ramen noodles because just turning on the stove made me gag! I feel lucky that I didn’t experience morning sickness or throw up. I am not one for vomit.

What really plagued me was evening sickness. I’m not sure if my fatigue was due to being pregnant, or if my hour commute home from work at 5pm in 90-degree weather was the culprit- but I have been sick almost every night these past few months. I would come home and immediately sit down. If I was on my feet doing dishes or cooking dinner my stomach would feel queasy. My sense of smell was still pretty sharp and most cooking scents made me sick. So, I basically came home, sat down, maybe ate half of my dinner and the hit the hay. I’ve always been a big eater and I still ate plenty during the day, but come night time I would barely touch my food.

It was bad for me but I’m thankful that fatigue and nausea were my only side effects during the first trimester.

My stomach did expand pretty early on and since the style today includes a lot of high waisted bottoms and body-contouring clothing, my closet quickly began to shrink. I even ripped my pants on my first day of work! Luckily I was wearing a longer blazer that covered my butt.

During the first few months I didn’t gain much weight and technically couldn’t visibly tell I was pregnant. If you knew me, you knew that generally, my boobs extended beyond my belly- not the other way around! If you didn’t know me, you wouldn’t have thought to ask if I was pregnant.

Then- it was as if a light switched! One day I was feeling ill, the next I was back to normal! I’m actually writing this at 20 weeks pregnant and I’ve had my energy back for about a month now which is why all these posts are appearing again!

What side effects did you have during your first trimester?